Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Time Management
Now, I'm going to go be a slug and watch a movie. It's my birthday I can have the night off. More info on Ravelry - I'm jfw04 there - I've been knitting but can't figure out my photo stuff once again!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Oh Deer!

My parents and the boys and I returned about a week and a half ago from an amazing trip to Idaho to visit my Grandma and family (my dad grew up in Salmon, ID). It was a beautiful trip - lots of fall colors, frost, and deer. I love seeing them almost as much as my youngest likes seeing the cows in the pastures. We also got to be in the middle of a cattle drive down the highway. That was fun! And I managed to squeeze a trip in to the Mountain Colors studio in Corvallis, MT. The ladies there are the nicest and the yarn is amazing. I've already made two hats and can't wait to make some Sun River socks.

It is good to be home, no matter how much laundry there is to do! There are two boys in this pile - if you look carefully you may see a foot or elbow.

On Saturday our family went on a hike through Will Rogers State Historic Park. It is so beautiful there! Watched a riding lesson at the stable and ate lunch in the tall grass with two sweet deer in the distance. Then hikes up to the top of the loop trail and had an amazing view of the ocean and the latest Malibu fire. I can't wait to go back. On Tuesday my dad and the boys and I went to Sunland to look at a horse (my dad is looking into buying one). We drove up the mountain road a bit and saw four deer! I think is is amazing to see deer like that in SoCal. Very cool and reassuring that the wild four legged creatures are still around these parts.
OK, so now let me expalin the dumped pictures below. The STR chevron sock is knit using Grinchy and Thistle. I knit this while on our return trip home - which included a good hour and a half on the runway at LAX waiting for a gate to open up! The socks are knit using yarn I dyed at the LYS. And the hat is one of Jacey's amazing Monster Hats. I need to sew the patch on now that I have blocked and dryed it.
I have started other projects but will post photos later. I want to have a few FO's to put up first! I feel like I have a lot of holiday knitting yet to do and it is hard not to knit for myself.
Oh, and Sheri at the Loopy Ewe has started a Random Acts of Kindness campaign. I'm joining. She likes to randomly the coffee for the guy behind her in the Starbucks drive-thru. I got to find my way of giving back randomly. Any ideas?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Owl Post

I am a few days behind posting about the wonderful package I received from Celestina as part of the Hogwarts Sock Swap 2. We were swap buddies and both decided that the socks weren't going to be done in time so we sent eachother packages for the time being. I received some amazing hand dyed yarn from Celestina (she dyed it herself!), some Artyarns Handpaintede stripes, a Cookie A. pattern, Harry Pottern notepad, a sock blocker keycyahin kit, an adorable hand knit Gryffindor bookmarker, some lovely soap and a wonderful bead necklace! Oh what a fun package! I hope to have her socks done by the release of OoTP on DVD...well, that's my goal! I decided to scrap the first pair I was knitting in favor of a different pattern that I think is more in line with Celestina's taste! More on that to come...
So, anybody else waiting for 6:00PM PST? Once upon a midnight dreary...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Count Sockula socks done! I gave them to my mom - we have a running Witchie-poo joke. Scrumpy gives them the final touch.
I love Halloween - and this year Spiderman, the moose, Frida Kahlo and the gorilla had a great time Trick-or-Treating. The boys "get" it now so that makes it more enjoyable for us all. So "boo" and good night monsters everywhere!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monkey Love

Here it is! My Monkey Swap 3 Package from my pal Sarah! I realize now that I know Sarah as "eatmyoxygen" from Ravelry! So cool to have a swap buddy that I kinda know! Can you believe how wonderful this all is? I swear this package made my week...with fires, illnesses, broken bones, cancelled trips and 2 1/2 year olds not sleeping, this hit the spot! As you can see I got some fab socks out of Cherry Tree Hill, some ShiBui sock yarn (been hoping to try this soon!), some Sugar n' Cream, a monkey night light that matches perfectly with or bathroom, a monkey sippy cup full of candy and stitch markers, some foam monkey heads for the boys to craft with and of course a Cooke A. pattern! How lucky am I?

Here is another close-up of my socks and my monkey...or I should say my son's monkey. My little one nabbed him right away and named him "Punie". With any luck Punie is helping the little guy fall asleep! He loves this monkey...I don't have the heart to take him as mine:) And my oldest is enjoying making the monkey face...Sarah even sent glue!

I love trying to take photos of my feet. Glad I went to yoga this afternoon. Nice and limber for this feet to the ceiling shot!

And, even Ruby found something she liked!

So to Sarah I send a big "MAHALO"! I'm "bananas" over my package!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Magic Balls and Spooky Hats!

Thanks Michele! I got my Vegan Swap 2 package yesterday and the boys and I had a bunch of fun unraveling the yarn! I love the godies! Chocolate is almost all gone! The recipies sound yummy and easy for the meat eaters in the house to enjoy as well I love the yarn - always wanted to try Panda Cotton and I love the witchey colors you chose. And the tape measurer is so cute - I may have to hide if from the boys! They already took the Airheads! I appreciate your hard work Michele!
I read that my pal got her package too. I want to write back but I can't send e-mail out right now for some kooky reason.
My Monkey Swap Pal also got her package! Hurray!
So, I was supposed to got to Idaho today to visit my Grandma and family. But, my nephew got sick and give it to my dad so we cancelled the trip. We will have to reschedule for next month (I hope!). I did get a chance to go to the LYS today to get the wool I dyed last weekend. I am so excited! I love how it turned out and can't wait to dye more!
Thick and thin becoming a shawl...

Sport weight superwash merino for socks...

I finished my Foliage hat! The colors remind me of the cover to my favorite new Halloween book - Room on the Broom. The yarn is a bulky weight merino hand dyed at my LYS. I love the colors and althought the pattern isn't shown off as much as I'd hoped I still like the way it all looks.

I also finished two candy corn hats for the boys. Since we aren't going to Idaho now they don't really need them but at least they are done! The other hat is having a bath right now.

OK...off to work on my Gryffindor socks!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"

Yes, that's right, this lovely candycorn colored wool/alpaca blend hand painted yarn is "the most beautiful thing I've ever seen", according to my oldest. The yarn is from Keegan Lane Yarns. I traded some yarn with Meliabella of Keegan Lane Yarns (link to follow soon I promise) - we met on Ravelry where a bunch of us are lamenting the absence of Cidermoon. So, Meliabella's yarn is on it's way to becoming a hat. Which is good since we are going to Idaho a week from tomorrow. Definately need some noggin warmin' there!
You will also notice some lovely sock yarn in the candy bowl...Zen String's Pumpkin King colorway! Thanks Woolgirl - such a lovely place to shop! Hope I can make it into a sock (or two) soon.
Vegan Pal 2 Package sent today!
SP11 Package #2 sent today!
Monkey Swap Package needs to be assembled and sent - maybe Saturday?
Hogwarts Sock Swap #2 sock on needles.
Did I leave anything out? The wind stopped blowing and my allergies are starting to ease up. Oh, I'm taking a wool dyeing class on Saturday! I can't wait!
Monday, October 1, 2007
SP11 & Happy October!

I got home today from school/the market and this was waiting for me! My first SP11 package! My swap buddy did a wonderful just of selecting goodies for me: Pooky stick with chocolate and almond, a delicious chocolate bar, a book about knitting, a book about cats and dogs, and some swanky knitting accessories - a suede tape measurer and case. Ohlala! So nice to have such thoughtful gifts sent! THANKS SP11!

Last night we decorated for Halloween. Halloween is my favorite holiday. We have lots of decorations inside because you can't really see our house from the street. I love how our house looks when we decorate it this time of year. See our Jack Skellington lights?
I finished the knitting for my cousin's baby. Now to finish the finishing. I hope to have photos on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Christmas Around The World Questionnaire
Are you religious? I'M SPIRITUAL
How long have you been knitting? Would you consider yourself a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced? 2 YEARS. I'M INTERMEDIATE.
Do you have any other hobbies besides knitting? SEWING, YOGA, RUNNING, READING. I'D LIKE TO LEARN TO SPIN.
Favorite color(s)? GREEN, BLUE, RED
Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? NO
Do you have any pets? YES - 2 CATS, 1 DOG
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? ALL OF THE ABOVE!
Cookies or Sweets? COOKIES!
Do you knit socks? YES
If not socks then what? (tell us about your favorite knits)
Do you put up a Christmas tree? If not then what do you do? YES!
Favorite holiday smells? CHIRSTMAS TREE!
Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional or unconventional way? Please elaborate. WE DO TREE TRIMMING, LIGHTS AND STOCKINGS.
What are your favorite holiday traditions? DECORATING THE TREE, DRIVING AROUND TO LOOK AT LIGHTS.
Finish the sentence: “For me Christmas is all about....” MY FAMILY
If you were a Christmas ornament you would be…….? POPCORN AND CRANBERRY GARLAND
What was your favorite gift you've ever received? Or given? MY SECOND SON WAS DUE ON 12/24 SO I'LL SAY HIM
When do you start your Christmas? AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
Do you send Christmas cards? Do you make them or buy them? YES - WE SEND A COPY OF OUR FAMILY PHOTO WITH SANTA
What is your favorite Christmas dish? MY DAD'S BEANS AND MY MOM'S PUMPKIN DESSERT
Carolers are at your door. What do you do? OFFER THEM SOME COCO AND SING ALONG.
When do you open presents? Christmas eve or Christmas morning? MORNING. PRESENTS ARE LIKE POTATO CHIPS - YOU CAN'T STOP WITH JUST ONE!
Do you celebrate with family or friends or both? BOTH!
It's Here! My Sock It To Me Package!

My amazing package from my Sock It To Me Swap partner Amy. Let me start by saying what a wonderful buddy Amy has been. You can see from previous posts that she has gone out of her way to spoil me already and now this package arrives! One pair of Marigold Socks in Fleece Artist's Sea Wool in the Amethyst colorway. They fit great and are so soft. The pattern is amazing and the color perfect. Well done! And, a yummy apple cider candle (just in time for fall), a super cute drawsting project bag (perfect for sock knitting), a book mark (gotta have um' - I can barely remember what I read let alone where I left off), and some fab Alchemy Synchronicity yarn in Teal Tide! So pretty and soft. I am going to knit the Foliage hat from the new Knitty for a Lost KAL on Ravelry so I think I'm going to use this yarn. Reminds me of the color of the ocean in Hawaii. And, last but not least, did you see the card? I love this cat. The quote by Nan Porter reads "If cats could talk, they wouldn't" Nuff Said! Thanks Amy! You are awesome!
Here are my Halloween socks:

I couldn't resist. This is the Count Sockula colorway from Lovesticks. I promise to finish my swap socks before I finish the second sock.
Once I have my swap socks done I'm going to work more on this:

These are Dani of Sunshine Yarn's HP Dragon colorways. I'm going to make a mitered square triangle shawl using all four colorways: Hungarian Horntail Dragon, Chinese Fireball Dragon, Welsh Green Dragon and Swedish Short Snout Dragon. I hope I can make it work.
Lastly, one little FO. A hat for my cousin's baby due next month. I just need to make the booties now and then the set will be complete!

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Coming Attractions

First up, a beautiful skein of Wollmeise that I swapped from somebody on Ravelry! Isn't it beautiful? If anybody knows of an easy knee high sock pattern let me know. There is a ton of yardage so I think I can make knee highs work!

Now, Monkey sock #1 knit from Zen Yarn Garden's 100% Superwash Merino. This yarn is sooooo soft! I love the colors too. Hope my pal likes them too. I like the pattern but can't seem to memorize it. I'll have to cast on for sock #2 tomorrow.

Baby Beanie knit with on two circulars. Not sure how much I like it...this hat certainly isn't "soaring" off the needles.
And I stared a Halloween sock. Hopefully I'll have pictures of that tomorrow.
Bon soir!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Baby Sweater
Gotta go...the vacuum is calling.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
That's Not A Sock!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sock It To Me Again!
I am very close to finishing the first sock for my "Sock It To Me" pal. I took this picture on Saturday and I have come a long way since then. We are going to the Wild Animal Park tomorrow so I should be able to finish and cast on #2 in the car! WooooooHoooooo.

I saw the Beastie Boys last night with Justin. They were amazing. I am amazing...I still remember the lyrics to Paul Revere. Word.
And look...one Gryffindor Sock!

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Fabulous Fiber Fest, Real Live STR in a Somewhat LYS, and Booty Club...and My Mom's New Hip!
First, my best friend Cristin and I went to the Fabulous Fiber Festival in Santa Monica today. Carolina Homespun was there, the amazing Japanese fabric lady was there, Lisa Souza was there! I got some goodies and will post photos later. It was pretty mellow (we got there early) but by the time we left it was getting crowded.
Cristin had never been to Wildfiber in SM so we stopped in. It isn't exactly in our hood to be a LYS but since we were in SM how could we not stop in? I'm glad we did. I couldn't believe it - they had STR in stock! Holy Cow! I got a skein, needless to say. And I found the ladies in the store very helpful and the new owner super nice. I know other's haven't had the best experiences there so I'd suggest giving it another try. They have an amazing selection and with LYSs dropping like flies it is nice to have a place to go and see the yarn, and touch the yarn, for yourself.
I got home this afternoon and my Yarn Pirate Booty had arrived! Lucky girl I am! The colors are amazing and I already have big plans for my skein.
To back track a bit, my mom had hip replacement surgery yesterday and is doing well. We visited her this evening and the boys really cheered her up. I showed her some of the fabric I got today and that made her smile too. And Justin made her a puppet out of a blown up rubber glove and that made us all happy. She gets to come home with her new hip on Monday and I can remember from being in the hospital with the boys how the days seem to drag on. Cristin got her a learn to crochet kit so hopefully that will make her recovery more interesting. My mom seems to think that it will be easier to crochet? We shall see.
Sock Stats:
Hogwarts Sock Swap Two: One sock down, another to go!
Sock It To Me: Thanks to a long wait in the hospital during my mom's surgery, I am half way through my first sock for my pal. it is going fast
Monkey: Got the yarn!
I have also been spending time with Ravelry. I have joined the Lost group, the Office group, the U2 group, the Loopy Group, the Hogwarts Sock Swap 2 group...I love the groups.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Vegan Pal 2 Questionnaire
What is/are your craft(s), & how long have you been doing it/them?
I knit and sew. I've been sewing for 8 years and knitting for 2.
Are you a vegan, vegetarian, veg-curious, veg-friendly or other?
I'm vegetarian
Is this your first swap, or have you done previous swaps before? What makes a swap enjoyable for you?
I've done several swaps. I love finding out about people and reading their blogs. There are so many smart, friendly, talented, crafty people out there!
What is/are your favorite color(s)? Do you particularly dislike any color(s)?
I love reds, blues,and greens. I like unlikely color combinations. Not too keen on browns and yellows but I love them mixed with other colors.
Do you have any allergies (such as pets, foods, fibers or cigarette smoke)?
Do you have any companion animals? If so, name(s) and type(s)?*
two cats, one dog and one fish.
Do you collect anything?
Sock yarn, japanese fabric, handbags
Do you have a favorite vegan food, snack or dish? If no fav that's vegan (for those who aren't vegan), what's your favorite food? (Hopefully your pal can find a vegan version!)
I love Amy's Frozen Cheese Enchilladas...I eat them at work. I love chocolate too. I love cookies in particular.
What are some of your favorite/least favorite tastes/flavors? (e.g. sweet, salty, chocolate, crunchy, smooth, tart, sour, spicy, thai, whatever - Help your pal get a feel for what kind of recipes you might like and/or never ever make.)
All of the above. Surprise me!
What tools/supplies/accessories for your craft(s) are you wishing you had but don't? Also, what do you have TOO many of? (basically a wish and anti-wish list)
Are you on Ravelry? What's your handle?
I wish I had more tape measurers. My son swipes mine to play with! I am on Ravelry (jfw04). I don't have many pictures up yet because my computer is sick.
Is there anything else you would like your pal to know about you?
I appreciate everything and love surprises!
What scents do you like/dislike?
For fall/winter, I love spicy scents like chai, pumpkin pie...you get the ieda. I dont' really like Patchoulli (am I even spelling tha right?).
Do you prefer fall or Halloween or some other Autumn theme?
Halloween if my favorite!
Just for fun - tell your favorite Halloween or Autumn related memory.
I think my favorite memory is from last year. My oldest finally grasped the idea of Halloween (he was a horse riding dragon and my youngest was a cowboy). It was so much fun to watch him run from door to door - he was a streak of green in the night - and to see his surprise at how the other kids were dressed. This year should be so much fun!
*If you find out that you've been assigned a pal who is deathly allergic to animals and you have a house full of them, please let us know so we can shuffle the pals around. I DO HAVE CATS AND DOGS SO I PROBABLY WOULDN'T DO WELL WITH A PAL THAT HAS ALLERGIES!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monkey Swap 3 Questionnaire
Here are my answers to the Questionnaire
The basics:
Do you consider yourself a beginning sock knitter, an intermediate, or have you been doing this so long you could probably knit a pair in your sleep? I think I'm a beginning/intermediate. I have been knitting socks since the January and have finished five pair. I can knit lace socks but haven't mastered cables.
The measurements:
Shoe Size: 8.5
Foot circumference: 9.5 in.
Foot length: 9.5 in.
Yarn Preferences:
What colors do you love? I love reds, blues, greens. Not a huge fan of yellow.
Do you prefer solids or variegated? I like both.
Do you prefer wool, cotton or acrylic yarn? Superwash wool only for socks.
What colors would you never wear? I don't really know of any - maybe solid yellow or brown.
What are your favorite brands of yarn? STR, Yarntini, Fleece Artist Sea Silk
Are there any new brands you would like to try? Wollmeise
Cookie A. Patterns:
Which of her patterns have you already knit? None
Which pattern(s) would you like to knit and don’t already own? I'd love Thelonious, Mona, Flicker or Titania's Revenge.
Other pertinent information:
Would you be willing to have an international Monkey Pal or do you prefer one in the US? Sure
Do you have any allergies? No
Will your knitting be exposed to smoke or animals? Yes Animals, no Smoke
Are you on Ravelry yet? If you don’t mind having new friends, what is your Ravelry name? jfw04
OK, done! Tomorrow's questionnaire...Vegan Swap!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Harry Potter...What Next.....& Another Random Photo

This is our dog Gilbert, our first child. I found this on our dellasaurus. This is the photo we saw on petfinder that made us fall in love and forget that we ever wanted a short haired female dog.
Secret Pal 11 Questionnaire
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I love Fleece Artist & Handmaiden, Socks That Rock, Mountain Colors, Koigu. I'm not a fan of synthetic fibers.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
In a rubbermaid tub. Kinda messy!
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I've been knitting for two years. My good friend Jennifer taught met. I would consider myself intermediate.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes I do - at Amazon
5. What's your favorite scent?
I love green, citrus scents. And tropical scents. And the smell of Chai tea!
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Yes - chocolate and peanutbutter anything! And dark chocolate.
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
I sew. I'd love to lear to spin and dye but that will have to wait!
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) I like 80' alternative, classic western, hawaiian, U2, Jane's Addiction, The Killers, Radiohead - I like most music.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand?
Reds, Greens, Blues. I like them all really
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
2 boys, 1 husband, 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 fish.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Right now socks, but I like shawls too.
13. What are you knitting right now?
Socks for swaps and a baby sweater
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
Oh yes!
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I like most needles. I really like my knit picks metal dpns. And addi ciruclars.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
17. How old is your oldest UFO?
A sweater.
18. What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween & Christmas
19. Is there anything that you collect?
Japanese fabric (anthing japanese), sock yarn, handbags
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I subscribe to Interweave Knits. I am looking forward to IK's new sock book. And Cat Bordhi's
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
Shoe size? 8 ½ US3. Foot Length? 9 in.4. Foot Circumference? 9 in.
23. When is your birthday?
December 4th
24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID?
Yes, jfw04
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
My Computer Is Ill So Here, Look at Some Old Photos of My Cats
My Mac is in the shop. So, I can't put any new photos up. But aren't these pictures of my cats from five years ago cool? They are stored on the old Dell I am now using until my Mac is back.
I have some FOs to share but that will have to wait! But I am sure that these lovely photos of Ruby (top) and Scrumpy (bottom) are just as amazing as any sock picture. I finished my Yarntini ZigZags, started my Gryffindor Socks for the HSS2, and started a baby sweater for my cousin's baby due in October.
I also joinde a few new swaps. More on that to come. Gotta go. The dryer is calling me.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I've Got More Booty Than A...

I can't think of something to write in the title because I am anxious to tell you about the goods from the mini prge! I received the package yesterday from Obsidian Kitten and it included: the Punk Knits book, Cherry Tree Alpaca, Sugar and Cream in beautiful greens (perect for the wash cloths I plan to knit), some handmade magnets, three beautiful purple pansy candles, a lovely candle holder out of blue/purple potter, some super cool stitch markers, and some lovely smelling soap. I am so pleased and appreciate my gifts so much! They are lovely, just lovely. I read that Ms. Obsidian Kitten is not feeling well. I hope that she is feeling much better soon. Hugs and kisses and well wishes and all of my gratitude! (links to be added later)
Monday, July 30, 2007
1/2 FO & A Big Merci Beaucoup!

Ta da! One Yarntini Sock done - the other cast on and on the way to being done! And I added it to my Ravelry account last night. I'm on there as jfw04.
And I started a baby sweater for my cousin - she is due in October with a boy. I'm using Twisted Fiber Arts dutchess yarn in Filanon and Ankh. I also put this into Ravelry!
Now, for the big THANK YOUS! This is a picture of my Hogwarts Sock Kit Swap 2 package! The bag and the needle case is amaging. And Jenean sent me some beautiful Gryffindor colored Alpaca yarn. Ummmm, Alpaca, my favorite. And some stitch markers in a potion bottle and some HP candies! Wonderful in every way!
Last week I got these wonderful goodies from my mini prge swap buddie! I love the Atticus Finch card as well as the card made by Shannah herself.
And last but certainly not least, a little gift package from my Sock it To Me Swap partner. A hand knit wash cloth, soap and lotion (not pictured because it is my shower?), handmade stitch markers, a "mix" cd, and a Godiva Chocolate bar (not pictured for obvious reasons). Isn't that just the coolest wash cloth? She designed it herself!
So, now I have to start knitting socks for my Sock it To Me Swap partner and for my Hogwarts Swap partner. And add them to Ravelry.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Geek Squad To The Rescue?
I saw Sonic Youth last Friday. They were really amazing. I always liked them from afar but never did own an album. I will have to borrow from my husband.
I sent of my prge package on Wednesday! Hurray! My swap buddy Shannah sent me a surprise package last week full of amazing original art and vintage postcards. I hope she likes what I sent her.
I also mailed out my HSKS2 package last week. My Slytherin pal got her goodies! Hurray for the USPS
I also got a surprise from my Sock It to Me pal. Amazing. If I weren't such a barbarian I'd have taken a photo of everything instead of ripping into it all like a 4 year old on Christmas morning. I promise to take photos tomorrow...I gotta see the beautiful washcloth she knit me! Oh...and a very cool mix cd.
Didn't you just love the mix tape....my friends were always making them for eachother when we were young. My brother still makes them and I gave him one for Christmas. I want to start making that again. I just need to load all my music on my iTunes first. Not looking forward to that. Ick
So, photos tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Swarm of Swap Owls!
First, my hp-bk7 swap package from Deana. I asked for Dobby socks and I got the most amazing pair of mismatched socks. Deana dyed some wonderful yarn for my socks and added some Reeses Peanut Butter cups, White Castle Coffed, a DA diary and a Wand Pen. I got my package several days ago but couldn't find my card reader. See for yourself how cool this package was:

On Saturday my Hogwarts Sock Swap package arrived from Daisy Quickspell, a.k.a. Angela of Ravenclaw. I love my striped Gryffindor house colors socks - they fit perfectly. I got stitch markers, HP candy, DP needles in various sizes, point protectors, and a very cool project bag made from some HP/owl fabric. I have watched this fabric on Ebay and know that it is very hard to find. Thanks Angela! Amazing job!

Since I can't got to the Borders party for the book release on Friday night (my husband and I are going to see Sonic Youth) I will wear some HP socks to the show. I have 250 pages to go in Half Blood Prince. I hope I can make it in time to start book 7 right away!
Hurray for sock swaps and all the kind, generous folks out there that make these things possible!