Ta da! One Yarntini Sock done - the other cast on and on the way to being done! And I added it to my Ravelry account last night. I'm on there as jfw04.
And I started a baby sweater for my cousin - she is due in October with a boy. I'm using Twisted Fiber Arts dutchess yarn in Filanon and Ankh. I also put this into Ravelry!
Now, for the big THANK YOUS! This is a picture of my Hogwarts Sock Kit Swap 2 package! The bag and the needle case is amaging. And Jenean sent me some beautiful Gryffindor colored Alpaca yarn. Ummmm, Alpaca, my favorite. And some stitch markers in a potion bottle and some HP candies! Wonderful in every way!
Last week I got these wonderful goodies from my mini prge swap buddie! I love the Atticus Finch card as well as the card made by Shannah herself.
And last but certainly not least, a little gift package from my Sock it To Me Swap partner. A hand knit wash cloth, soap and lotion (not pictured because it is my shower?), handmade stitch markers, a "mix" cd, and a Godiva Chocolate bar (not pictured for obvious reasons). Isn't that just the coolest wash cloth? She designed it herself!
So, now I have to start knitting socks for my Sock it To Me Swap partner and for my Hogwarts Swap partner. And add them to Ravelry.