Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"The End" Twilight Swap

"The End" Twilight Swap
Originally uploaded by jfwl04
Ravelry is a wonderful place and if you need proof see this photo. I participated in a "Twilight" swap on Ravelry to celebrate/mourn the end of the series. This is my wonderful package from my swap pal. I am pleased as punch!


jstinmn said...

What's your user name on Ravelry. I'll have to look you up. Yes, Jenn I'm on Ravelry too. I have yet to post any things I've done. Probably because it's been so long since I've actually completed any knitting project!

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I love the team Edward shirt lots of lovely goodies:) Hugs Darcy