Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Loopy Groupie Swap Booty!

Originally uploaded by jfwl04
Here it is - my lovely Loopy Groupie Swap Goodies! Monkey Socks made from Yarn Love, some Jojoland sock yarn, some Rice from Arkansas, some Hot Coco, a lovely candle and a hand knit wash cloth. All from the super fab Camille of earnknittoownit.blogspot. Thanks so much Camille! I love it!

Friday, February 22, 2008

DIC Classy Punky F

DIC Classy Punky F
Originally uploaded by jfwl04
For my Something Red Sweater


Originally uploaded by jfwl04
It doesn't look like much but it will be a cardigan soon!

Lux Neck Warmer

Lux Neck Warmer
Originally uploaded by jfwl04
A FO Lux Neck Warmer from Knit 2 Together using The Fibre Company's yummy Road to China

Excuses Excuses

There are several reasons that I haven't posted or find it hard to post. Lets see, sometimes at night when the house is quiet all I want to do is knit. Or watch Lost reruns online to refresh my memory from the marathon Lost viewing we did last year. Or I research patterns, yarn, etc. on Ravelry. I have decided that in order to make sure I am writing (I figure this is more of a journal than anything) I have to schedule time. I am not good with schedules now that I am not a working professional anymore but I do see the merits of having a schedule. So, I am going to make Friday Blog night. Like Monday is Ravelry update night, and Tuesday morning is Yoga, and Thrusday evening is Lost. See, simple, right. Oh, and since it is too cold on the patio right now (where my hard drive is) I've decided to give myself a break with my photo uploading and let flickr do all the work. I don't like that the photos aren't part of my text but oh well.

I joined The Loopy Ewe/DIC Kal on Ravelry. Should be fun! But I think I need to knit in the current sweater project and all that purling is starting to break me!

My oldest is 5 years and one week old today. I am so excited for him to grow and do all the great kid stuff with him but oh how I ache for him to be a baby again sometimes. To hold and just be quiet with him. And my youngest is a ball of fire. Such a charmer and working hard at moving out of his brother's shadow. He still likes to cuddle like a baby sometimes but he too wants his independence. Every day is just an adventure and it is hard to be patient but so worth it when I am. But now it is quiet in the house so I'm going to take some time to myself and enjoy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Socks in a Tree - Duets

Originally uploaded by jfwl04

Insubordiknit Hat

Originally uploaded by jfwl04

Playing in the Grass

Originally uploaded by jfwl04

Lemons Growing in the Tangerine Tree

Originally uploaded by jfwl04

Bee on Bamboo

Originally uploaded by jfwl04


It was a warm sunny day today and we enjoyed it! No rain, no wind...just running around and picking tangerines. Now, I know that most of the country is still cold and winter like but here it is least for a while!

I finished some knitting since my last post. The socks are for my Loopy Groupie Swap pal and the rest are mine, all mine! I am in the middle of some more swaps too...Hogwarts Sock Swap 3, Lost in Translation, Wes Anderson, and an 80's Swap. Only need to knit for the HSS 3 swap so that is good news!

So, off to watch more Lost reruns on the ABC site. I am hooked.

OK...I'm posting images above from Flickr. I can't get from my hard drive right now!